Jeremy Lee

Jeremy Lee

We start our Fabric Fanatic series one of our favourite people and long-standing Original Fibres customer, Jeremy Lee. We met the chef proprietor of legendary Dean Street institution, Quo Vadis at our Lamb’s Conduit Street Shop and took the chance to ask him some questions about cooking, clothing, and capturing the best of what London has to offer.

What three ingredients go into a great dinner party?

Oh gosh, a bonny crew is always foremost in mind, and always asking too many and being shocked when they all say yes, and having to ensure home is well vittelled with wine & co galore. Simplicity is ever the best way forward with dishes piled high with favourite things. Spring is always perfect for this when the first asparagus are cut. So lovely.  And have all ready. Having folk champing at the bit causes havoc with one’s appetite though sticking to a plan often fuels hilarity.

In a sentence or two, can you tell us what informs your cooking?

Ah, there is much to consider in this. Simplicity always, and seasonality, regionality and mucking out with the food community at large. You cannot hide behind simplicity and quite often, when the menu is a great bow towards the seasons, the produce suggests the dishes, both old and new, the welcome return of dishes we love and then, perhaps a thought that may take you on another adventure altogether.

How would you describe your own style? What qualities do you look for in a piece of clothing?

Ah, now, then, well, I would say I like to echo the simplicity of cooking with the simplicity of clothes, the fabric and shape of impeccable quality but seemingly effortless. As often as not, keep an eye open for a flash of indigo and seek out rather huge pieces of workwear, usually in blue and then wear such with a shirt or three so one can add or subtract during the day as these temperate isles devil hourly not just daily.

What’s next on the horizon for Jeremy Lee?

Lunch hopefully. And then, trying to meet a deadline for a manuscript. I am also having a new hip put in place so am looking forward mightily to returning to adventures and far too many folk I have not seen in an age. Oh yes, I am thinking of a new kitchen as my wee scullery has been slightly neglected of late.

Quick Fire Five

Favourite restaurant: Oh gosh, so many, Rochelle Canteen, Café Deco, Coombeshead farm, Kiln, St John and so many more.

Favourite holiday destination: Hebrides

Favourite musician: John Barry

Prize possession: My new hip

Biggest indulgence: Where to begin, am simply a hopeless hoarder, and I suspect the most recent will be framing for too many wee things that have not seen the light of day for far too long. And possibly a new kitchen...